Beth Ahabah has an active Adult Education program with many opportunities for learning and study. Sunday mornings offer two distinct opportunities. Approximately once each month the Temple Brotherhood sponsors popular brunches with guest speakers. Throughout the year, Rabbi Beifield and Rabbi Gallop teach classes on various topics, usually with a contemporary theme.
The Congregation typically offers more formal classes taught by the Rabbis each fall and spring. These include Introduction to Judaism, Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Adult Hebrew. Most Temple programs are open to the greater community.
Rabbi Beifield teaches a Torah Study class on Thursdays at noon, guiding the class verse by verse through the Torah. The Religious School has a family education program, called Gesher, in which parents come to school to study first with the Rabbi as adults and then side-by-side in the classroom with their children.
Much of the Adult Education program is planned by the Congregation's Adult Education Committee. The Sisterhood and Brotherhood, as well as other Temple committees, plan additional programming throughout the year.
Adult Education Classes
Israel Study Group - Temple members are invited to join a monthly discussion of issues related to Israel. Rabbi Beifield, who leads the group, sends out a short reading which forms the basis for each session. The group meets from 12 - 1 PM on the second Tuesday of the month in the Markel Room (2nd floor conference room) of the Joel House. The next session is November 8th. For more information contact Rabbi Beifield ([email protected]).
Beth Ahabah Book Group - Meetings will be held at the home of Katy Yoffy at 7:00 PM. Happy reading!
- New classes will be introduced in the Winter and Spring
- To register for a class please call the Temple office at 804.358.6757
- Youth Groups >>